
Non-White Population and Worst Landlords Watchlist Buildings

Non-White Percentage

Less than 10
10 to 20
20 to 40
40 to 60
60 to 80
80 or more

Average Violations of Top 5 Worst Landlords

Bar chart of the average violations of the top 5 Worst Landlords. Jonathan Santana leads the chart with an average of 3,293 violations. David Tennembaum is in second with 2,416; Larry Hirschfield in third with 1,394; Sima Abdavies in fourth with 1,372; and Alfred Thompson in fifth with 1,341.

Violations per Month 2022 vs. 2023

Line chart comparing the average violations per month between 2022 and 2023. 2023's numbers are consistently higher than 2022's throughout the year, ranging from 724 to 757. 2022's average violations range from 670 to 715.

Types of Violations

Stacked bar chart of types of violations. Class B violations rose from 36,960 in 2022 to 38,543 in 2023. Class C violations rose from 18,305 in 2022 to 21,263 in 2023.

Average violations per building compared to the number of Watchlist buildings per borough*

Grouped bar chart of average violations per building compared to the number of Watchlist buildings per borough. Brooklyn has the most buldings on the list, 308, with an average of 100 violations per building. In second is The Bronx with 261 buildings on the list and an average of 111 violations per building. In third is Manhattan with 135 buildings and and average of 122 violations per building. In fourth is Queens with 30 buildings and and average of 147 violations per building. Staten Island is lot mapped because it doesn't have buildings represented on the Top 100 Worst Landlords Watchlist, based on ownership.

* While several Staten Island buildings rank among the buildings with the most average open HPD violations, there are no buildings represented on the Top 100 Worst Landlords Watchlist in Staten Island, based on ownership.

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